Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sony's Project Morpheus

By Tanner Fred

The world of virtual reality was something that at one time seemed like a very unrealistic concept for most people. To put on some sort of device and than be able to experience totally different world than the one you are living can be quite the scary concept. The gaming technology is the frontrunners in this development as many companies have begun to develop devices that also gamers to play their games in a much more realistic way, most notably Sony and PlayStation's Project Morpheus.

Sony has developed a Virtual Reality system for their PS4 in which you set up the device and synch it to your console and are able to put the device over your head and eyes, giving the simulation that you are in the game. This device is the first of its kind for any console based gaming systems, allowing the gamer to have a much more realistic gaming experience. This device is used most notably for horror games, due to the increased sound and in your face action of the jump scares and eerie moments. The device offers a full HD 1920 x 1080 display with a 5-7 inch screen that offers a 100-degree field of vision. It also runs t 120Hz which is higher than both the Oculus Rift, PC's virtual reality system, and the HTC Vive. This device is also very light and easy to wear, with most of the weight being focused on the top of the head and it also allows for players with glasses to comfortably wear the headset. Also, the device has recently been upgraded so that there are nine head-tracking LED units as opposed to the previous six, which allows for virtually no lag.

Although there are a lot of flaws that come with this device being the very first of its kind, its overall performance rivals that of its PC counterparts. This device is a must have for all hardcore PlayStation gamers, and is also great fun for those looking to have a good time with both friends and family.

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