Alright, I'll admit it. Last week I paid no attention during my programming class and up until now, I was behind and unable to complete this weeks lab assignment. To be honest, the topic we talked about was boring. Like REALLY boring. Boring enough to make me want to die. Throughout my years of coding, I've realized that I'm not the gifted type who can just listen and learn right on the spot. Sitting down and listening to your professor lecture about code is one thing, but actually coding is another.
The topic last week was on pointers. I won't go into detail on exactly what are pointers as they are quite difficult to explain without having pre existing knowledge of computer science, but they are definitely something that you must practice coding with. Too many things are going on at the same time, with new syntax to remember and formatting rules to follow. The lab that was due was strictly based on a topic I had no idea about, so I was forced to watch many videos, and read powerpoints over and over again.
The one thing I learned during my hands on experience with pointers, or any new subject, is its a lot of trial error. You type, you run, the computer tells you whats wrong, you fix and repeat. The truth is, programming is sort of like exercising, in that the main way to improve or learn is through constant practice. I had to start simple, just trying to create a pointer, and then later on implementing it in my program. There are no short cuts as the possibility of skipping important information will only slow down your learning experience as a programmer.
Another harsh truth I learned is when trying to complete my lab assignment is that it was easy to become discouraged by just how big or intimidating the subject of pointers seems. This especially the case when it comes to students who are just starting out. As the deadline for my assignment approached, I felt rushed and began to lose focus. At that point I wasn't actually learning but instead just felt like typing walls of bullshit. The solution, as stated before, is to start small and break the problem into smaller parts.
Although its called Computer Science, you are essentially trying to gain the mindset of an engineer. Break up the problem, research, and don't give up. The end goal may be far away but there is no comparison to the feeling of accomplishment.
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