Sunday, March 26, 2017

How Graphic Is Revolutionizing The Movie Industry

When most people think of the computer science field, they just think of programming and computer scientists sitting and staring at code all day. In fact, its actually a much broader field than that and extends to a wide variety of different fields that many people would not think of. One of these fields that is included is the field of graphic design.

As movies become better and more complex, it takes a lot to make a god movie these days. Especially in an era where Disney movies are being remade to live action, so real life characters need to accurately portray their animated counterparts. This requires a lot of computer and editing skill that can only be preformed by the most skilled of computer professionals. They have helped to transform the movie industry into what it is today with movies such as The Jungle Book, Avatar and others. Movies from a long time ago had a much less developed method of editing and the graphic were incredibly inferior to those in modern times. It is thanks to computer scientists that we are able to have these improved methods of designing.

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